We had a nice evening at the Prospect Lodge. Fun time chatting with the owners and other guests around a fire pit while making s'mores. Pretty place. Would recommend if you ever find yourself visiting Crater Lake.
We did get to see Crater Lake and imagine how special it must be without layers of smoke. Some quick facts- the lake was formed by a volcano in the Mazama line of volcanos that stretch from Canada to California. The volcano grew, blew, fell and filled with snow and rain. It is so clear because no river feeds the lake bring sediment to cloud the water. It is 6 miles wide and the deepest lake in the US.
The trees are simply huge. Not many places to chose for breakfast. We picked Becky's. Becky greeted us outside the restaurant in a black shirt and blazer suit with pantry hose! Opened the door and seated us. It was a bit odd to say the least with every person in the place in hiking gear.
The drive back without Portland traffic would have been a little over 4 hours. But it took us an hour and a half to go less than 30 miles. It seriously reminded us of trying to get to Dallas from Austin on Texas vs OU weekend. Y'all come visit Oregon it is great but we said "ah hell no" to the traffic and are staying the night across the river in Vancouver,WA. We are ending our blog because tomorrow is our last vacation day and nothing exciting planned before traveling. It will be good to be home. We miss our family! Fun times.