With the exception of paying for parking, today was a totally free day which is rare in the northeast!

I kinda love Albany. We visited the amazing state capitol. What a marvelous and interesting building. A couple of highlights- it took 32 years to complete at a cost of of 32 million (703 million in today’s equivalent).

There is no metal used in construction. Everything is stone on stone and all sandstone and wood was hand carved in place.

The columns and arches support the building.

Carvers were given creative autonomy. They even carved their own faces.

One craftsman carved a tiny devil who is blamed when pieces of legislation fail!

When governor Teddy Rosevelt came into office he declared the capitol finished. You can see unfinished portions as you walk the building. They have left it unfinished to honor the history.

Original tile floors

Senate Chambers - no electronic voting. Every vote is by voice.

Assembly (we would call House of Representatives)
The “Million dollar staircase”.

“The Egg” is a performing arts center.

Art and sculpture everywhere.

These identical buildings are called creativity (smile) “agency 1 through 4” and house many of the state agencies.

The Cathedral of Immaculate Conception spires can be seen throughout much of the downtown area.

We took the express elevator to observation deck in the Corning Tower.

We visited the NY State museum.

A very sobering section on 911 and the devastation of the twin tower collapse. 
The crushed fire truck and melted steel.

We took a picnic lunch and enjoyed the massive Washington park.