Sunday, August 23, 2020

Badlands and Minuteman Delta Silos

Whew- the breeze feels like a furnace! It is very hot, dry and dusty here in South Dakota. Canadian wild fires have brought smoke and haze into the area. 

Today, we visited the Badlands National Park. Home of unique geography and one of the richest fossil beds in the US. An  ocean once reached this area and fossils of sea turtles, alligators, clams to hippos and camels (to name a few) have been discovered. 

The park changes as you travel the 24 miles from gate to gate. You can see grasslands on one side of the road and deep water erosion created canyons on the other. 

We saw lots of wildlife- bighorn sheep, pronghorn, prairie dogs and bison. 

South Dakota has preserved a few of the once hundreds of minuteman missile silos. Two people worked 24 hour shifts in a control center designed to protect them from a nuclear blast. Each launch facility had 10 missiles to control from a bunker made of steel and 4 foot thick concrete walls. 

I am old enough to remember the duck and cover drills in elementary school. Oh what they didn’t know about a nuclear bomb back then or maybe they did and were just trying to make people feel better about potential survival. 

Some missile  silos around the country have been turned into luxury homes! I think that I could live very easily underground. 

The random sight for the day - a huge Tesla charging station. 

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