Friday, August 21, 2020

Sioux Falls and Mitchell South Dakota

I should’ve titled this early lessons learned. Not particularly bad outcomes but just new information.
1) Get behind a semi and a truck pulling a trailer gets about 4 or 5 miles per gallon of gas efficiency. 
2) 1-29 between Omaha and Sioux Falls called the Lewis and ClarkTrail is about the longest  bumpy road in the state. It was probably smoother for the expedition team!
3) Mark learned he can navigate small streets and even back up to see things on the itinerary!
4) The only negative that will cause us problems- I was over zealous prepping meals. The freezer and refrigerator isn’t efficient overly full. Air needs to circulate around items. The food isn’t staying cold enough and some food is thawing. Drats! Guess we will have to eat our favorite foods first and toss what doesn’t make it. 

First stop today was Falls Park In Sioux Falls. A steamy hot selfie with a pretty view. Trivia of the day - Sioux Falls was known as the best city to get a legal divorce in the late 1800’s. With only a 90 day residency requirement and lax judges a divorce was easy to obtain. Thousands traveled to Sioux Falls and while the locals didn’t like the trend they profited from the demand for hotels and restaurants.

Every tourist worth their salt must visit the Corn Palace in Mitchell. It is an event center and sports arena. Built in 1921 the outside and much of the inside is decorated by murals made from corn. The palace actually smells like corn!  The local high school and college play basketball in the arena. With covid and not much going on,  the court is being used as a gift shop. 

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